Tuesday, 24 December 2013

#Bigblogmasproject day 24: The Project

OOOMMMGGGGG. Feel free to scream cus' it's chritsmas!!! (tomorrow) #minordetails

Last night I revieved an email from Cole which basically listed all the helplines for you to call if you have any problems you need sorting that you just can't do on your own. I believe most, if not all, of the helplines are anonymous so you can't be tracked or whatever. 

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0845 769 7555
Beat, for Eating Disorders: 0845 634 1414
Refuge deals with domestic violence: 0808 2000 247
Childline for children to call: 0800 1111
And for adults worried about a child: 0808 800 5000
Narcotics Anonymous: 0300 999 1212
Rape Crisis: 0808 802 9999
Victims of Crime Support: 0845 30 30 900
OCD Action: 0845 390 6232
No Panic for anxiety sufferers: 0800 138 8889
Contact a family - 0808 808 3555
Cry-sis - 08451 228699
Disabled Parents Network - 0870 241 0450
Fatherhood Institute - 0845 634 1328
Help To Heal - 0845 120 3788
National Domestic Violence Helpline
England - 0808 2000 247
Northern Ireland - 028 9033 1818
Wales - 0808 8010800
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline - 0808 800 5000
Parents Advice Centre
0808 8010 722
Parentline Plus
0808 800 2222
Prisoners' Families Helpline
0808 808 2003
0845 456 1310
08457 90 90 90
Solvent Abuse - Urban 75
0808 800 2345
Talk to Frank
0800 77 66 00
Womens Aid
0808 2000 247
Working Families
0800 013 0313
020 8896 3675
Thank you so much for reading all the #bigblogmasproject posts. I'm soooo grateful for the huge response I've received and how I've been lovingly accepted into the blogging community.

Just a heads up though, I'm gonna be taking a little break from blogging for maybe a week or so from having to blog everyday for a month. Believe it or not, however organised you are when blogging, it gets stressy and meh and just asdfghjkl; and blogging should be fun so because of that I'm going to recuperate for a little bit until I am all refreshed.

See ya soon
Smell ya later
Merry Christmas
And a crazy awesome new year
Strawberry xx

Monday, 23 December 2013

#BigBlogmasProject Day 23: City girl

Hey there all ye weirdos! (Just kidding. You're beautiful) Made another outfit for you! Just going to put it out there that this outfit would not suit me in the slightest. I mean, it is a marvellous creation (if I do say so myself) but maxi skirts make me look stumpy  and weird and asdfghkxcvb. Get my point?
Anyways, I so love this outfit because it reminds of a grungey- New York photoshoot I once saw. It's also a bit SASSY. Hehe. Im gonna shut up now...

Wait, no I'm not. Just letting you know that tomorrow is our last day of the #Bigblogmasproject !! I know. So sad. Oh yeah, and we TOTALLY blogged everyday, right? *pokes you with a pointy stick* Right?!

Ok NOW I'm upping and shutting

See ya soon guys
Much love
Strawberry xx

Sunday, 22 December 2013

#Bigblogmasproject Day 22: This year

Hi there! Today, on the merry 22nd, I decided to do a little round up of the most popular trends of the year 13. What I'm saying is, is that this will be *loud American voiceover voice* A STRAWBERRY TOP 10!
10: graphical prints (summer)
9. Tartan (AW)

8.Faux Fur (Winter)

7. Dungarees (summer)
6. Leather (Autumn)
5. Festival (summer)
4. Grunge (Autumn)
3. Monochrome (spring)
2. Velvet (AW)
And no.1... Dark Florals! (AW)
Really hope you enjoyed that guys!
(BTW, this is all my opinion and you are free to voice your own thoughts in the comments!)
See ya soon you lovely lot,
Strawberry xx