Wednesday, 21 January 2015

The Unicorn Hotel

I often find that when I'm thinking up posts, I have all these creative ideas and I can't wait to execute them. The only issue is that when it gets down to actually doing it, I either,

A: procrastinate and never get the project done,

B: Find that when I'm doing the photography for the post the lighting is so poor and I give up completely, or,

C: the background for the post is totally awful and I end up searching around the house WILLING for there to be decent floor/wall to do it in with adequate lightning but end up getting so frustrated so I just flop down on my bed in a mixture of despair and irritability and wonder why I even bother.

Please say that someone agrees with me and struggles with this! I often wonder how people actually get those perfectly white walls that look like they're straight out of a fashion magazine. How do people DO this?? 


See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx


  1. I love the look of frost on the ground x
    Laura | A Life With Frills

  2. These photos are so good! And I completely understand with your lighting and background issues, sometimes it takes me so long to get it just right!
    Alice x
