Saturday, 13 December 2014

Clothes Show Live '14

I am so incredibly sorry that I haven't put up any posts this week. My laptop had a complete meltdown and I am trying really hard to get it fixed. Aggghhh! Can't trust any technology these days!

But anyway, last week I went to Clothes Show Live and HOLY BEYONCE IT WAS SO AMAZING. Words cannot describe how awesome it was. There was so much glitter, sparkly stuff and wicked dancing. I felt like it was more a Broadway musical than a clothes show.

I think I took about 200 pictures in total and a lot sucked (newsflash: taking pictures of rapidly moving people is hard), so these are the final few. I have to say, I am very happy with them! Most of the credit must go to my fab zoom lens and my seat though. We went to one of the early shows and not enough people had booked for the front row SO GUESS WHAT!! I got moved to the front! YAY!

 See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx


  1. Wow, what fantastic views!! I went too and loved it :)
    Great post

    Alice x
