Thursday, 27 November 2014


When Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown on August 9th, I didn't know what to say. My first immediate thoughts were:

"How is Michael's family coping?" and "Did anyone else die?"

It did not occur to me that Wilson would not receive punishment for his crime. What he did was murder, wasn't it? That's illegal right? I mean, if you can go to prison for, say, robbing a shop, then you will go to prison for killing another person. That's justice isn't it? It has been for centuries and it should still be now.

Apparently not, it seems.

Wilson has not been sentenced, as the Grand Jury decided that he did not deserve it. This sparked me as not only immensely screwed up, but it also alerted me that something must be terribly wrong with the "justice" system if an officer is allowed to kill a man and be able to walk away scott free. What is Brown's family meant to take away from that? That their son was not worth anything? That he didn't matter?

This is what Darren Wilson said on the matter: 

I want to make it known that I am not saying what Wilson is saying is all lies. I am saying that the events he is saying sound very strange and improbable.

So lets do a recap.
One of the notable things Wilson says is that Brown was "very large" and like "Hulk Hogan", which the interviewer responded with "you're a pretty big guy" and Wilson replied with "I'm above average".

mike brown and hulk hogan

So let me get this straight, an unarmed 18 year old man made a 28 year old, trained police officer feel scared to death?

The next thing Wilson says is that he wonders 'how would he survive this situation?' A dead kid is lying in a grave with a devastated family and you are saying that you were concerned with how you would survive?! He was a kid! I do NOT see how you, are a grown man, could possibly be that terrified of a weaponless boy while you are sitting in a police car with a gun holstered to your hip!

After that he states that it was "his duty" to give chase to a Brown while he was running away after Wilson has tried to shoot him several times(!) Eyewitness' say that when Brown stopped running, he put his hands up and said "don't shoot!". Wilson says that Brown began charging at him, at the policeman with a gun, with his hand in his pocket. And when Wilson shot him another few times, apparently Brown kept running at him.



You shot him. And he kept... running?

Is that even possible?

Did Brown turn into some of superhero while you were trying to kill him? 

The next thing Wilson says is that he shoots Brown right in the head while he himself had never shot a gun before that day. Really? You got a head-shot after you shot a gun a few times? That's...very improbable... especially if your hand was shaking with fear since you was apparently "fearing for your life".

Right now there's protests all around the country. The slogan 'Black lives matter' has become a prominent phrase and Brown has become a huge martyr for the protesters. 

But he is not the only one to lose his life. Others include: 

John Crawford

Kimani Grey

Sean Bell

 and Trayvon Martin

And y'know what the most horrific thing about all of this is? It's that in the end, it boils down to racism. People with black heritage feel scared for their families, well, because of their black heritage. ProPublica recently did an in-depth analysis and found that black kids between ages 15-19 are 21 times more likely to be shot and killed by cops than white kids of the same age. That’s an insane statistic. That’s per capita, not total. If you are a black teenage boy, you have a 21x higher risk of being shot by police than a white teenage boy.

What are we meant to make of that?

Well, firstly, we need to educate people. Tell them that cops are people too and they may not always do their job like they should. We also need to take police brutality far more seriously. It SHOULD NOT be allowed that a police officer be able to kill a kid and receive no punishment. Mike Brown's murder case should be reopened and examined and then Darren Wilson's sentence should be decided from there. He must got to prison, but for how long, I can't estimate.

And next, the issue of guns. I would love for someone to enlighten me on why guns are such wonderful and amazing inventions and why people should be able to have them. Because do you know what they have done for us as a species? 

Killed people and animals.

That's it. 

I do not believe that police officers should have free reign to them and if they must, for the love of god, train them, and train them safely!

But I want to end this on a positive note. Mike Brown's family have said that message above.

They are such wonderful, compassionate people and the trauma the must have suffered must be immense. I am so happy that they want to keep the protests peaceful, in the way of Martin Luther King JR. They did not deserve what happened to them and they way they are handling the issue is beautiful and kind.

My thoughts are with them and their suffering.

So please, if you are truly in support of their cause, spread the word. I'm sorry if this is such along post but there is a lot to be said for this devastating time.

Thank you.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Art on... Stuff

Smells like a Zara photoshoot in here.

I love the forest green hues and rustic knits in this. I am really liking that style this season. Gives me Winter-y shivers down my freezing spine.
I think my favourite pieces would totally be the skirt and the jacket. The jacket is seriously cool and effortlessly chic and the skirt has a gorgeous french design that almost looks like art on fabric. Its beautiful really...

I think I might have just turned into a proper blogger for a second...

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Friday, 21 November 2014

Winter Wishlist

Beanie | Red Jumper | Snake Bangles | I Agree T-Shirt | Tassel Loafers | Mesh Bomber | Silver Backpack | Boots | Green Check Coat | Necklaces | Flower Dress | Gingham Skirt | Khaki Dress | Red Jeans | Chocolate Coin Purse | Grey Bomber
It wasn't hard for me to switch into Winter mode. I'm already there. I mean, there's been freakin' Christmas stuff in stores for weeks now, and John Lewis have already put out their famous adorable advert (which to be honest is definitely rivalled by Sainsbury's.) And my friends have rediscovered their Christmas playlists and are taunting me with that Band-Aid song.


But on the bright side, SNOW, FAIRY LIGHTS, HAVING HOT CHOCOLATE AND NO ONE JUDGING YOU! All wonderful perks that should get a mention. The upsides of Winter never cease to amaze. I can now expect my class to freak out when they see a single snowflake and declare it a "snow day" (with, of course, their faces smushed against the window pane). And the lovely Costa/Starbucks special Christmas drinks that I, without fail, always ask for with extra cinnamon. Mmm cinnamon...

Oh and yes, the most important one. I now have the god given right to justly say:

"Winter is coming".

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Oh yeah, so my birthday happened....

I forgot to mention, but my birthday was a few weeks ago and practically all my relatives decided to contribute to what's known as my 'camera fund'. Basically my camera fund is an amount of money, well... dedicated to buying my own camera.

You see, for years I've been borrowing my mums frankly, fantastic DSLR but I'm not allowed to take it to my Dad's. The problem with is that my Dad is an amazing photographer (check out his flickr, his macro shots are incredible) and I'd love for him to give me some proper lessons, so I don't just have to learn off youtube videos or articles on the Digital Photography School website.

I think you can guess what happened next...

So I got my own camera!!! I am so ridiculously happy and it's by far, one of the nicest things I own. Its a Sony HX300 Bridge Camera and it is BEAUTIFUL.

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Friday, 14 November 2014

10 Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

1. The blogging community is full of millions of wonderful people, all doing their own thing in different ways, so, just like at a new school or workplace it's important to meet the people around you. Most bloggers will be happy to offer guidance and hand out tips, and you can even make some good friends along the way! I'd recommend joining a site like Bundle if you're a teenage blogger like me. It's a great site that I personally use!

2. Whatever I'm doing, wherever it is, I always carry a notebook with me because you never know when you might get an idea! Most of my notebooks generally contain badly drawn sketches of outfits, names of vintage shops and where they are (you have no idea how many times I have found a new vintage boutique and then lost it *sigh*), and also a never ending wishlist of items that has not once had something crossed off of it.

3. Since joining Blogger I have become addicted to most forms of social media. Twitter is fantastic because there are scheduled blogger chats and a decent sized chunk of my traffic comes from there. Places like Instragam are ok, but its more for showing off photos than posts, and as for Facebook, I abbandoned it.  Definitely not down my street, but, if it works for you, do it! There's tons of ways of communicating that you can mess around with and use however you want.

4. Y'know that moment when you're talking to some friends and they both have all these inside joke you don't understand? This is the same. So make the time to subscribe to some fashion emails, check OOTD apps regularly and read style posts! It's so important to try and stay one step ahead in the fashion world otherwise you will be left out in the rain. This goes for any other field as well. You're a book reviewer? Check out the top 100 books list. You have a food blog? Watch cooking shows. It all helps!

5.This is such an important point. Please don't feel the need to put up a post you're not happy with just because you have scheduled to upload that day. Quality over quantity, after all. It's totally ok to scrap something that you don't feel you're proud of but please don't stress about it. Blogging is meant to be a fun! So don't pressure yourself into doing a slapdash, half-effort post just because you think you need to.

6. Going to different places is such a great way to become an interesting person that people genuinely want to read about. That doesn't mean that you have to go loads of exotic countries, but just go somewhere photogenic and quirky near where you live. Note: DON'T FORGET YOUR CAMERA IF YOU DO PHOTOGRAPHY. Pretty much every time I go out, about 20 minutes into the car journey I ask "have you got the camera" and my mum always replies with "No. You said you would pick it up". Next comes a very boring debate about who forgot the camera this time.

(It's totally always Mum's fault. Duh.)

Japan | Berlin | Instagram photo's

7. No one can dictate what happens on your blog except you, and all the content reflects who you are as a person. Finding what you love to do will take time and a fair bit of experimenting with but eventually you will find what you are passionate about. For me, its photography, making outfits online, but not including photos of me. I have always hated taking photos of myself and once I realised I didn't have to do it to be a style blogger, it felt awesome!)

8. Ack. I'm not terrible at being organised but I'm not brilliant either. I'm fantastic at making sure stuff eventually gets done but the process of actually doing what I'm meant to do kinda leads to A LOT of procrastination on, and youtube.

I'd say my best tips for organisation is making lists and finding the time to complete what's on the list. That usually works best for me.

9.  Be brave with what you wear, what you say and how you act. Write something that's never been done before. Publish a fiction story on your blog like Tolly Dolly Posh did. Talk about mental health issues and things that are effecting your life. Do something that really makes you unique. If anyone ever says "you can't wear that", wear it anyway! Why should anyone dictate how you should act if it does not negatively effect them in any way? NEVER feel like you can't do something because you are too scared or fear judgement.

10. And finally, the one everyone says, stick at it. You will be so happy you did in the end. No, you don't get a medal or a sticker for doing it, but blogging is such a brilliant thing to do. Not only does it look great on application forms but it means you learn how to commit to something and keep doing it. There are so many other advantages as well. You learn how to spell better, you learn photoshop skills, you can manage a website and all the traffic associated with it. You get confidence and your ability to communicate with others improves. I could go on and on and on.

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment below :)

See ya soon guys
Strawberry x

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Pink Winter

I guess it's time to finally accept that Autumn is over. Fantastic. Whoopy doo. Time to start huddling for safety under 10000000000 blankets while grasping cups of tea and layering 8 types of sweater on.

Great. Ugh.

At least I get the chance to wear this wicked black wool teddy coat. Just by looking at it I can tell that I'll feel like I'll be being hugged by a giant squishy cotton wool monster. Can't say the same about those sandals though... don't really think it would be a very good idea to go sludging through the snow in those!

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Autumn Haul

look at me and my stupidly clunky camera

How was your Halloween? I have to say, mine was pretty good. I went as the stereotypical zombie, only drenched in a ridiculous amount of fake blood and grey face paint. I'd like to say I looked pretty scary but to be honest I think I just looked like Louis Suarez.


Anyways, after recently flicking through my blog archives (is that the name for them?) I realised it has been a full year since last doing a haul post! So naturally, I had to do one. 
I think I got some really nice stuff this season. I think my favourite pieces would have to be either the burgundy brogues which are actually pretty sturdy considering they came from Primark, or the 'hand' necklace which I have literally been wearing with all my outfits. For some reason I'm really loving all the symbol-y type stuff, hence the runes print bomber.

What do you think? Tell me in the comments!

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx