Last Friday I was nominated by the wonderful Jess of Every Envy for the liebster award. I was absolutely beaming because this is the second time I've had the privilege to get this! Thanks Jess!
Anyway, if you didn't know, the liebster award is basically a little token of admiration from fellow blogger to fellow blogger and if my German is as good as I think it is, liebster means the equivalent of 'lovely' or 'dear'.
(awww.... could that be cuter?)
So on with the rules:
- You have to link back to the person that nominated you.
- Write 11 facts about yourself.
- You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
- After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice. (I'm allowing myself to nominate bloggers with slightly over 200 as's only fair!)
- You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
- You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.
1. When I blog I listen to this. Always.
2. I am intensely good at procrastin- oooohh shiny...
3. My favourite subject is English.
4. I am, of course, the grand high priestess of sarcasm.
5. I swear I spend at least 8-9 hours of my day on Tumblr
6. I have the ability to ship just about everything.
7. I used to play piano until I realised how bad I was. That and I hated the teacher with every inch of my existence.
8. The number 8 is my favourite number.
9. I have one of those demented seal laughs crossed with a silent game of pat-a-cake with myself
10. When I was about 7 or 8 I had a serious obsession with the Winx Club
11. You almost can't see the wallpaper on one side of my bedroom walls because its literally covered in photos and posters.
Questions asked by Every Envy:
If you had a time machine and you were only allowed one trip where would you travel to and why?
I think I'd travel to the first day of year 7 and I would tell younger me to stop having a panic attack in the corner and that everything was going to be ok.
Why did you start blogging? And is this your first blog?
I started blogging because I really needed to write down my opinions on style. (Believe it or not it comes across as a bit weird when you obsess about ankle boots for weeks)
If you were to binge watch an entire series of a TV show what would it be?
Oooooh toughie. I think it would have to be either Gravity falls or Sherlock.
If you were to write a book what would it be about?
It would be about murder and monsters with crazy plot twists and believable- and almost hateable-protagonists.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
There are so many.... Though if I had to choose it would probably be the time that I fell off my chair from laughing too hard and the whole class saw my pants... *cringe cringe cringe*
Would you kill one innocent person if it meant saving one hundred others? (getting deep now!)
I am personally against killing anything. Not even flies. So I would say yes but I know I would carry insufferable guilt for the rest of my life. Aggghhh. Next question please.
The most exciting thing that has ever happened to you?
The time we went to Jamaica for my stepmother's and dad's wedding and I was swimming in the ocean and a huge- and I mean huge- ray swam underneath me and I could only stare because I was in shock.
Chocolate or sweets?
Chocolate hands down.
What is the worst lie you've ever told and were you caught out?
I don't think I've ever told any really bad lies, mostly because I'm terrible at lying and I get caught out immediately.
Describe yourself in 4 words (but only positively!)
Artistic. Introverted. Thoughtful. Optimistic.
Bonus Question (It's my blog I'll do what I like): Favourite piece of theatre?
Legally Blonde the musical . It's funny and awesome and just amazing. (Oh my god oh my god you guyyys)
(I couldn't find any bloggers that I loved with less than 200 followers that I'd heard of before so please, make yourself known to me! I'd love to meet you all!)
See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx