Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Liebster Award #2

Welcome back for round 2...

Last Friday I was nominated by the wonderful Jess of Every Envy for the liebster award. I was absolutely beaming because this is the second time I've had the privilege to get this! Thanks Jess!

Anyway, if you didn't know, the liebster award is basically a little token of admiration from fellow blogger to fellow blogger and if my German is as good as I think it is, liebster means the equivalent of 'lovely' or 'dear'.

(awww.... could that be cuter?)

So on with the rules:

  • You have to link back to the person that nominated you.
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice. (I'm allowing myself to nominate bloggers with slightly over 200 as well...it's only fair!)
  • You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.
With the rules over with, we can get to the good bit, 11 facts about me!
1. When I blog I listen to this. Always.

2. I am intensely good at procrastin- oooohh shiny...

3. My favourite subject is English.

4. I am, of course, the grand high priestess of sarcasm.

5.  I swear I spend at least 8-9 hours of my day on Tumblr

6. I have the ability to ship just about everything.

7. I used to play piano until I realised how bad I was. That and I hated the teacher with every inch of my existence.

8. The number 8 is my favourite number.

9. I have one of those demented seal laughs crossed with a silent game of pat-a-cake with myself

10. When I was about 7 or 8 I had a serious obsession with the Winx Club
11. You almost can't see the wallpaper on one side of my bedroom walls because its literally covered in photos and posters.
Questions asked by Every Envy:
If you had a time machine and you were only allowed one trip where would you travel to and why?
I think I'd travel to the first day of year 7 and I would tell younger me to stop having a panic attack in the corner and that everything was going to be ok.
Why did you start blogging? And is this your first blog?
I started blogging because I really needed to write down my opinions on style. (Believe it or not it comes across as a bit weird when you obsess about ankle boots for weeks) 
If you were to binge watch an entire series of a TV show what would it be?
Oooooh toughie. I think it would have to be either Gravity falls or Sherlock.
If you were to write a book what would it be about?
It would be about murder and monsters with crazy plot twists and believable- and almost hateable-protagonists.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
There are so many.... Though if I had to choose it would probably be the time that I fell off my chair from laughing too hard and the whole class saw my pants... *cringe cringe cringe*
Would you kill one innocent person if it meant saving one hundred others? (getting deep now!)
I am personally against killing anything. Not even flies. So I would say yes but I know I would carry insufferable guilt for the rest of my life. Aggghhh. Next question please.
The most exciting thing that has ever happened to you?
The time we went to Jamaica for my stepmother's and dad's wedding and I was swimming in the ocean and a huge- and I mean huge- ray swam underneath me and I could only stare because I was in shock.
Chocolate or sweets?
Chocolate hands down.
What is the worst lie you've ever told and were you caught out?
I don't think I've ever told any really bad lies, mostly because I'm terrible at lying and I get caught out immediately.
Describe yourself in 4 words (but only positively!)
Artistic. Introverted. Thoughtful. Optimistic.
Bonus Question (It's my blog I'll do what I like): Favourite piece of theatre?
Legally Blonde the musical . It's funny and awesome and just amazing. (Oh my god oh my god you guyyys)
(I couldn't find any bloggers that I loved with less than 200 followers that I'd heard of before so please, make yourself known to me! I'd love to meet you all!)

 See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Friday, 22 August 2014

#OOTD Red Lips and Rainy Days


Right now, we are edging out of the limbo period in which no one can tell if its Summer or Autumn. Thanks to Topshop and their indescribably perfect Cara Delevingne feature though, we have more solid styles to obsess over and gorgeous Autumnal lookbooks to devour.

Using this newfound spurt of inspiration, I tried to make this outfit a little more girly than the previous ones I've done by using this quirky black playsuit from Topshop. As well as this, I included a completely adorable hummingbird watch that I thought looked really sweet. But to top up the grunge factor I added messy bed-head hair which you can create by either: stealing my hair and then caterpillar crawling out of bed (this is legit) or getting a good quality salt spray and drenching your hair in the stuff. Either works. I then completed this with a pair of awesome monochrome boots, red knee high socks, and a badass metallic tote bag.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

So Hot: Motocross

Hey guys

This post was not intentional. It was meant to be an OOTD post but I kinda got sidetracked and well, there we go.

Lets not dwell on the bad though. Lets focus on the SHEER AWESOME-NESS OF MOTOCROSS. I mean, to date, I have not found a more 90s-cool-urbany-chilled style out there. And its not even hard to do! All you need is a few plain or simple pattered pieces, layer them up, add a touch of burgundy or navy and hey presto, you look fabulous and warm all at the same time! It could literally not be easier.

On a completely different note, I'm really happy to say that I'm going to Berlin in a few weeks! This means that le blog schedule won't be stuck to but I will try and update as soon as I get back. Also, I will be going through emotional trauma due to the fact that my favourite book series, the beloved Skulduggery Pleasant will be ending in 9 days time soooo.... yeah I'm gonna cry like a baby when the inevitable occurs and my 4th favourite character dies (The other 3 already kicked the bucket. Damn it)

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Friday, 15 August 2014

50 random things about me

Hey guys!
Ok I guess this was meant to be a vlog thing, but umm...I don't really see that happening. But anyway, have a read through and maybe learn something about me that you didn't know before! Maybe I'll even surprise you...

  1. This might be an obvious one, but my real name is Maddy.
  2. I'm ambidextrous ...when painting nails.
  3. I live in Nottingham
  4. I'm 13
  5. I'm an introvert
  6. I am creepily obsessive over the Skulduggery Pleasant series
  7. I can't ride a bike in a straight line...
  8. I have strawberry blonde hair (do you get why I'm called 'Strawberry' now?)
  9. My finger got cut off when I was 7.
  10. And a few weeks after the finger incident (after it was sewn on) it went black and fell off.
  11. My favourite film right now is Guardians of the Galaxy.
  12. This is a huge joke between my friends about how I can't make cookies.*
  13. I have blue eyes
  14. I love Big Fat Gypsy weddings with a passion
  15. I used to do ballet (*cringes*)
  16. I have a stepbrother and a stepsister
  17. I'm vegetarian
  18. My favourite food(s) are sushi and strawberries
  19. When I'm nervous I tap my foot like a maniac
  20. Most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing blogging-wise.
  21. I really really love Gravity Falls
  22. Ditto Adventure Time
  23. I want to meet Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil
  24. My favourite bands are Green day, MCR, Royal Blood, The Strokes and Imagine Dragons
  25. I'm actually quite organised (I know. Really)
  26. I want to change my blog name but I can't be bothered
  27. I went to Japan
  28. I'm going to Berlin in a few weeks!
  29. I have 3 pets, an Alaskan malamute, a ginger Rhodesian Ridgeback cross and a Russian blue cat
  30. I'm a morning person
  31. When I was 6 I spent almost all my time on moshi monsters
  32. I'm 99.99999% sure that no one reads this blog.
  33. I collect posters (oh god)
  34. I have really poor eyesight but I almost never wear my glasses
  35. I live on Tumblr
  36. My hair is in the awkward faze after a fringe where its really short at the front but long everywhere else.
  37.  My birthday is 9th November
  38. I am the annoying person who always has their headphones in.
  39. I also think that if the world was ending I would just pull out one headphone and be like: "What?"
  40. I adore Sherlock
  41. I was too scared to see TFIOS movie because I didn't want to destroy what the book did to me.
  42. My dreams are really weird and bizarre
  43. I suck at sports except Netball which I'm surprisingly good at.
  44. I am Scorpio.
  45. I'm 5'5
  46. To my knowledge I'm not allergic to anthing
  47. My favourite number is 8
  48. I have braces... *sigh*
  49. I have a real phobia of moths
  50. I am so grateful that you actually made it to the end. Thank you!

*(In a cooking lesson at school I made some cookies but they come out in a huge black brick and they had to throw the baking tray away because the cookies had welded themselves to it...)

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

#OOTD Draped in Red


So many moody colours. And it's not even Halloween yet...
Hi guys. Do you ever just completely switch your seasonal style? Because right now I have gone from pretty pastel dresses and adorable brogues to full on DARK GOTHIC GRUMPY AGHKF. This has to be a thing that someone else does. Anyone?
Saying all that, I do really like this kind of outfit. You all know I am obsessed with the wide brimmed fedora and the patterned doc martens but I'm not so familiar with styling jeans, mostly for the reason that I own, like, one pair of partially destroyed denim ones with actual bike oil on them. I know. Stylish. Let me know what you think in the comments!
In other news, I think its time I actually made a schedule for this blog and for once, stick to it. So, I will be posting Tuesdays and Fridays + a bonus day if I can. Ack. This blogging shizzle just got REAL.
See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx
P.S Oh yeah, and here's a good tutorial for the hair if you want to have a go!


Saturday, 9 August 2014

So Hot: Tartan

Heya guys!

Today you get tartan stuffs.  Yay Lumberjacks!

So, the most distressing thing about August is the fact that fashion companies/magazines can't decide whether its Autumn or Summer. This puts couture gremlins like us in the dark about whether we should be wearing shorts or shirts. Ack! Why fashion, why?!

And as you may have guessed I'm just plunging straight into the Autumn pool. (It's too cold in England anyway) This means: ripped jeans, grungy flannel shirts and those freakin awesome wide rimmed fedora's that I just can't find under £40. *sigh*

I hope you like my collection of tartan things and tell me which is your favourite in the comments! :) I just completely love the sunglasses. They're very subtle but incorporate a slightly summery vibe into your outfit.

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx

Monday, 4 August 2014

Autumn Wishlist

Pftttt..... it may not technically be Autumn right now but hey, what can I say? I'm a forward thinking person.

Heya guys! This is my seasonal wishlist that rounds up basically everything I want for the upcoming new season. Lots of these beauties are taken from my Mallzee app which has basically become my mini bible for shopping. It shortens everything down and makes it super easy for me to metaphorically cry over how little money I have.

I digress.

But anyway, I think for the new season there will be lots of metallic material and cargo/semi-army print. There will also be printed beanies and toned down Aztec print and as for hair and makeup, I'm pretty sure it will be all about the I-literally-just-rolled-out-of-bed hair and the smudged eyeliner. Maybe in the later months lips will take a gothic plunge and go for dark reds and cranberry colours. However, I would definitely begin steering away from the minimalism route and take up more layered, patterned wear. Grunge will totally rule the next few months.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments

See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx