Now, if you are a regular reader of my chaotically written 'posts' you will probably know that I am one of the biggest nerds you will find; in fashion and in random knowledge. This is not to say that I am one of those hand-homework-in-on-time-perfect-uniform-absolute-know-it-all kind of geeks, I fit into the category of the obsessive ones who may or may not have a shrine to one of their favourite TV shows.
So while scrolling down twitter, I spotted Miss Becca Beauty's homemade tag and I thought "Well look at that. A tag" Wait no... that's a lie. I thought "I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE" and immediately clicked the link to see what wonders awaited me on another side of the internet.
So fellow nerds/nerdettes, join me on this quest to seek out the answers to Miss BB's questions.
1. If your house was burning down and you could only grab one book, which book would it be and why?
I would probably choose my very dog eared copy of the fault in our stars. I know it's cliché but it's such a good book and shouldn't a book that makes you tear up every time deserve to be saved, hmmm?
2. When you get stuck into a really good book how long will it take you to read it?
At the very least about 2 hours for a book about the size of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone but for one of the Game of thrones books I would say about a day tops.
3. Have you ever become totally obsessed with a book or a series of books before?
Don't even get me started on the Skulduggery Pleasant series. Seriously, my collection of those books are so dog eared and well-thumbed that I often worry if some of the pages will fall out. But as of yet none have kicked the bucket.
5. It is Saturday night and all your friends are going out to a party but on Monday morning you have a really important maths exam that you know you need to study for even though you will probably pass. Do you a) not study, go to the party and hope that you pass, b) study for an hour or so and meet your friends a bit later on or do you c) not go out and study hard so you are fully prepared for Monday mornings exam?
Hmmmm.... probably B although if my exam is something I really suck at I will most likely go for C
6. Do you sometimes come across as anti-social in some situations? If so when?
Oh god yes. When I'm around my friends I'm always very socially comfortable but around the popular group of people I tend to go bright red and mumble something along the lines of "I have to go bye". I am quite the stereotypical dork.
7. What music do you love listening to that others would see as weird or totally un cool but you love anyway?
Ironically one of my very favourite uncool songs is Bo Burnham's NERDS. Do be warned, it is quite sweary. Have fun learning all the lyrics for the next hour and crying/singing along at the end.
8. Have you ever sat there and completely planned out your whole entire life?
I remember a very boring science lesson where I planned out an extremely detailed zombie apocalypse plan that began as soon as I walked out the door. I imagined a zombie horde storming down the hallway and me being a badass and taking out all the zombies with my machete. Of course, I don't own a machete, heck I don't even own a nail file but the Lara Croft version of me apparently does.
9. What TV shows are you obsessed with that other people think are so nerdy?
You have no idea how much I love Sherlock and Game of Thrones. They both have left me in floods of tears at the season climaxes what with Sherlock's 'suicide' and The Red Wedding. I swear those shows have broken me, tortured me, and ruined my life but I love them so much.
10. Now say three other nerdy facts about you.
- My wardrobe is colour coded. Yes really. I'll post a picture some day.
- I get very annoyed if my duvet is folded on the bed instead of covering it. Is it that hard to stretch it out?!
- My hair bobbles are sorted into 4 containers. Thick ones, Thin ones, Plastic ones and ones that have the metal thing on them
See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx