Sup guys. Sorry for deleting my last post. I just wasn't happy with it. Soz buckets. Anyways, This is my haul from this November and I love all of it. I especially love the brogues from new look. I'd been meaning to get some decent brogues and these fit the bill. Sadly, I don't think they'll last long because the sole on the bottom is very thin and the whole shoe is very light and feels like cardboard.
Yeah. Also... I have rediscovered PULP! I'd kinda forgotten them as they live at the very end of the Vicky centre but yeah, I have found them. Again. Wooh!
See ya soon guys
Strawberry xx
P.S Do you like the white bird? *he he*
Friday, 29 November 2013
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Review of Wild Clothing
First impressions: I thought it was a newsagents from the outside. The whole store looked a little like a coke bottle weirdly...Inside was quite small bit it was very cute. I was a little confused where the ladies and men's sections were as 2/3 of the shop seemed to be menswear and the other 1/3 seemed to be jewellery, fur coats and floral skirts mixed between 2 floors which was ok but I think it all needed to be in one section.
Clothes: Now this is what I called PROPER vintage. I mean I like cow and other shops but this is like proper 80s-90s vintage. Much love. <3
Service: They were quite nice but were very quiet. Some music would have been lovely!
?/10 : 6/10: It was OK... not my favourite but I would definitely go again.
4-6 Broad Street
See ya soon! Strawberry xx
#BigBlogmasProject: The peeps involved
Here's a list of all the bloggers taking part in the #BigBlogmasProject
Coleoftheball Kammitted Pp_puff Missbeccabeauty Hanclarky Ambipage Jessbarnes Cometomybdr Bw_sheep Ohkalukalay Missmills_ Lovelyjubbly8 Nikmakeupjunkie Tansandtiarasx
Vintageteapot Amelia_florence Likeslippy Twiceuponablonde SGBlogxx Thebeauty_baker Berrycrumblexxx April_todd BethanywellsMUA Sassydoveblog _Sammyjane_x Bexclaree_
Saturday, 23 November 2013
The #BigBlogmasProject
So a few weeks ago (I think) I got involved with Coleoftheball in the big blogmas project and basically what that is, is you blog every day from the 1st December to the 24th and it's in aid of a charity that makes sure no one is alone, hungry, ill or depressed for Christmas. I think this is an amazing cause and I'm all for it! I think there are 80-90 peeps involved with this project which is fantastic!
click here for coleoftheball's original post
Will see you soon!
Strawberry xx
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Sherlock and le ugg boots
jumper- primark, dress- cowvintage, necklace- (mums), tights- primark |
Hola Amigos. Wazzuuuuup. (don't say I don't try to speak your language guys). Since my recent fan girl squealing post over urban outfitters coming to le Nottingham I have a new squealing-making thing making me...well...squeal. SHERLOCK IS COMING ON TO TV AGAIN! No lying here guys, when my frenemie told me about it in English, I actually screamed. It was embarrassing. Oh god. Cringe attack coming. *does pooping-strain face*
I'm so happy though...even though there will be only 3 episodes *le sigh*. Oh and Benny Cumber pretty...(sorry was just daydreaming about me and Benedict's wedding...) Ok I'm getting a little carried away now.
Btw guys, the ugg boots have been broken out. That means...its winter. It has come. Winter is coming. (see what I did there?)
See ya guys.
Hugs and stuff
Strawberry x
me dancing |
Monday, 18 November 2013
Goodbye cash, Hello Urban Outfitters!
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. Like seriously. Guys you have NO idea. Every time I want to go to urban outfitters I have to take an hour long trip up to Le Birmingham. (nothing wrong with Birmingham, just I HATE car trips) I pretty much spent 40 minutes in the newly opened store delighting in the beautifulness/glory and sheer creativeness that it had to offer. *le sigh*
I would make this post into a review, but then I would sicken you guys with all the praise I'd be giving it. (Not that I don't already...)
I really hope you visit the store. Also, if you've been reading this and wondering: WHAT THE HELL IS URBAN OUTFITTERS??!! then I say this to you. Have you been living under a rock??!! I can't be friends with you! (well I might be able to...if you give me kittens and cookies) hehe....
Farewell, adios and all that stuff,
Strawberry, 3rd of her name, of House Clark*
*I NEED to stop obsessing over game of now
I would make this post into a review, but then I would sicken you guys with all the praise I'd be giving it. (Not that I don't already...)
I really hope you visit the store. Also, if you've been reading this and wondering: WHAT THE HELL IS URBAN OUTFITTERS??!! then I say this to you. Have you been living under a rock??!! I can't be friends with you! (well I might be able to...if you give me kittens and cookies) hehe....
Farewell, adios and all that stuff,
Strawberry, 3rd of her name, of House Clark*
*I NEED to stop obsessing over game of now
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Grey Flowers
jumper: zara, skirt: originally topshop, tights: asianicandy, brouges: new look |
Anyways, really hope you like the pictures. I. saving to get a better camera. Any recommendations would be lovely. (Within £250 plz)
On another note, I'M 13!!! yay!!! I'm now officially a teenager *cue tantrum and growth spurt*
Strawberry xx
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Review of Baklash Vintage
I bought a fez there. Don't judge.
First impressions: Heaven. Literally heaven on earth for me. No lying. Every texture, colour or cut you could imagine. It was there. In the bargain basement I walked head first into a rack of massive arctic-not-entirely-sure-it's-legal-to-have-this-much-fur-on-a-coat coats. It was BEAUTIFUL. The whole two floors were CRAMMED full of vintage. There was hardly any space.
Clothes: As I said, the stock was amazing. I think there was an upstairs with more clothes but I'm not totally sure cus' I didn't go up there. Downstairs in the 'Bargain Basement' you couldn't really breathe as you were so overwhelmed by the amounts of clothes. (I am a tad claustrophobic though)
My mum tried on a blue and gold 1970 evening dress (she states it was like a costume from a play called 'Abigail's Party'. Not sure either). The jewellery was IN-CRED-IB-LE. There was cabinets and tables laden with gemstones and rings and necklaces. *sighs dreamily*
Service: Really good. The shop owner/assistant was funny and made good conversation and was helpful. She showed us where everything was and was really nice about letting me take pictures. A lot of shops don't let me. :(
?/10: 9.5/10
Really loved it!
Address: Market Street, Nottingham, NG1 6HY

First impressions: Heaven. Literally heaven on earth for me. No lying. Every texture, colour or cut you could imagine. It was there. In the bargain basement I walked head first into a rack of massive arctic-not-entirely-sure-it's-legal-to-have-this-much-fur-on-a-coat coats. It was BEAUTIFUL. The whole two floors were CRAMMED full of vintage. There was hardly any space.
Service: Really good. The shop owner/assistant was funny and made good conversation and was helpful. She showed us where everything was and was really nice about letting me take pictures. A lot of shops don't let me. :(
?/10: 9.5/10
Address: Market Street, Nottingham, NG1 6HY
Friday, 8 November 2013
Review of beyond Retro (online store)
Sup' guys. Since I last posted I have LITERALLY watched Game of Thrones non-stop. The only reason I had to stop watching last night was because It was well past 11pm and It was a school night. Death to the common secondary school. I mean it was only 2 episodes and then I was hooked. Goddamn. All I'm doing now is eating chocolate (prezzies from my mates cus its my birthday tomorrow. Love you guys) Surfing the web, listening/watching game of thrones and planning posts. How exciting my life is. I should probs review now. On with the review!
First impressions : Very vintage-y. Blue and yellow is their 'colours' and it really fits. I love their home screen pictures. Right now it's advertising ugly Christmas jumpers. (already ordered 2) And the filters they use are great and look aesthetically pleasing (posh word. hehe)
Clothes: OOOHH MYYYY GEERRD! I love beyond retro clothes. Its Really simple and can be styled in hundreds of ways for all seasons. So much love. Recently I bought a denim fitted dress ( can be seen in past howistyle) and it fits my well. The size was a medium and was a tad oversize but I like it. I have 20 different clothes in my wishlist. I will probably never buy any of it but hey, yolo...goddamn.
Service: Great service and speedy delivery. Big thumbs up.
?/10 : 9.9999/10
link: -->
First impressions : Very vintage-y. Blue and yellow is their 'colours' and it really fits. I love their home screen pictures. Right now it's advertising ugly Christmas jumpers. (already ordered 2) And the filters they use are great and look aesthetically pleasing (posh word. hehe)
Clothes: OOOHH MYYYY GEERRD! I love beyond retro clothes. Its Really simple and can be styled in hundreds of ways for all seasons. So much love. Recently I bought a denim fitted dress ( can be seen in past howistyle) and it fits my well. The size was a medium and was a tad oversize but I like it. I have 20 different clothes in my wishlist. I will probably never buy any of it but hey, yolo...goddamn.
Service: Great service and speedy delivery. Big thumbs up.
?/10 : 9.9999/10
link: -->
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
November Wishlist
Hey guys! This is my wishlist of everything I well...want. Most of it has just been cluttering up my folders for months and to be perfectly honest most of it will stay in my folders cus' I'll never work up the cash to buy most of it. :( Oh my life is so hard *le sigh*. Hopefully the stuff is still on the sites if you really look.
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Fox smock dress- Asos |
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Blue Victorian shirt- Dorothy Perkins |
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Pink boyfriend cardigan- Beyond Retro |
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Shell pink coat- Asianicandy |
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Not sure. Comment below if you find where this is from. |
Flower shoes-Schuu |
See you soon my lovelies!
Madz xx
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
How is style (It's here!!)
Hat: Dorothy Perkins, Top (underneath): Next, Dress: Beyond Retro, Tights: Asianicandy, Shoes: Oxfam
I'm as surprised as you are. I actually got round to do doing one. Crazy right? After my ever so loooong rant yesterday about being able to take pics of...stuff I actually decided to buckle up and get on with it.
Anyways, today's how is style is based on a pic of Alexa Chung on MSN. It's really pretty and Asian and would do well for winter or spring
P.S. Not sure what I'm doing with my hair in pic 2...
See you soon my lovelies xx
Monday, 4 November 2013
500 page views!!!
ps. thnx guys
ps. thnx guys
Review of a vintage obsession

First impressions: Quite small and what I'd call 'proper vintage'. As in loads of 50's dresses and piles of mink. I loved the interior as It was very downton abbey-esque. Lots of Victorian wallpaper and one vintage style mirror
Clothes: I'd probably say the dresses are for more 25+ as none of the dresses were vaguely near a tiny size 6. (Not saying if you're over 25 your fat. Just saying you're not a short vaguely sort of doing that growing into woman thing size. That.) Loads of floral and many kinds of textures. I LOVED the accessories. ACCESSORIES!!! *cue animal drooling* It was all so pretty!!
Staff: There didn't need to be many staff there as the shop was teensy. Really nice though and were helpful and pretty cool.
?/10: 6/10 they didn't'
have my size :(
Friday, 1 November 2013
Review of A new shop
Yes that's actually what its called. (even though I know it's DEFO not new. Watevs*)
On with the review:
First impressions: EEK. I was a tad intimidated by the shop as it wasn't totally my style. There were lots of spikes and studs and was what i would call very 'american vintage'. I liked the walls as they were covered in writing in RAIIIINBOW colours which I contributed to with a range of smilies, tiny fish and scribbles of my name (just a heads-up: if you 'Maddy' written in shades of pink, its le moi)
Clothing: As I said, very American vintage. There was a lot of tattered denim and metal stuff so I'd say it was 'urban' (not. like. me) The stock was good and it was not stupidly placed so you couldn't get there :)
Staff: Quite nice. they were mostly talking to each other which was better than other shops were you could practically see the awkwardness between them.
On with the review:
First impressions: EEK. I was a tad intimidated by the shop as it wasn't totally my style. There were lots of spikes and studs and was what i would call very 'american vintage'. I liked the walls as they were covered in writing in RAIIIINBOW colours which I contributed to with a range of smilies, tiny fish and scribbles of my name (just a heads-up: if you 'Maddy' written in shades of pink, its le moi)
Clothing: As I said, very American vintage. There was a lot of tattered denim and metal stuff so I'd say it was 'urban' (not. like. me) The stock was good and it was not stupidly placed so you couldn't get there :)

?/10 : 7/10 Good but not my style
See you soon my lovelies xx
*look at me going all gangsta.
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